The name does tell what the picture is. In order to improve the filename must contain the keyword of the image or use its content. For example in this post the images we use must be named or . Keep filenames descriptive and direct to get the best results from your website images. Optimizing Your Images If By Definition Tags also known as attributes and descriptions are attributes that are applied to image tags to provide search engines with a textual alternative. Basically it's a description of an image in a website's code.
Make sure your blog and other website pages are mobile-friendly. Your website visitors prefer a responsive website. Republish your post when you're done and tag the date to compare how it performed before and after the revamped content. Don't forget to share it on all your social media platforms and send it to your audience Latest Mailing Database and clients via newsletter. Whether or not we have completed the planning and execution of our content transformation campaign has not yet.
The process doesn't end here; you need to measure the impact of what you do in order to analyze and be successful. How do you measure the performance of refurbished content? parameters and define it differently. But some of the most important metrics when measuring content performance are Search Console metrics Position or Keyword Rank Links Organic Conversion Rate The reports in Search Console Metrics use the following metrics specific to web search data.