Nasty Plot TM allows you to teach this Dark-type stat booster move to your Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet. Using moves that boost your Pokemon’s stats can be crucial to winning battles. However, how to get it? This guide will tell you how to get and craft the Nasty Plot TM in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.
Where to Get Nasty Plot TM in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

You can only obtain TM 140 Nasty Plot in two locations without crafting additional copies: deep in Area Zero during the post-game, and by completing the entire History Course in Mesagoza.
1. Complete the entire History Course in Mesagoza
In Scarlet and Violet, you can get the Nasty Plot TM by taking History classes and completing a quest for Professor Raifort. Here is a simple walkthrough:
1). Go to the Academy and take History Classes from the front desk.
2). Complete 4 lessons and pass the Midterm.
3). Then, visit her in the Staff Room and speak to her.
4). Next, you will find in front of a bookshelf next to the entrance hall.
5). Talk to her and she will send you on a quest to catch all four Treasures of Ruin.
6). Once you catch all four Legendary Pokemon, visit the entrance of the Academy and she will hand you the Nasty Plot TM.
2. Deep in Area Zero During the Post-Game
Another way you can get your hands on this TM is to get from the endgame area called Area Zero. Upon completing the Path of Legends, Victory Road, and Starfall Street, you can access this area. However, you have to get to a point in the game where you can once again use your rideable legendary to get to this specific area.
Once you can revisit the area with your Koraidon or Miraidon, go to Research Station No. 2. From here, use your legendary to climb the cliffs behind the area. Follow the path until you see the glowing yellow pickup. This is where Nasty Plot is.
How to Craft the Nasty Plot TM in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet?
Now with the TM in your possession, you can start crafting it. You will need the following to do so:
• 5,000 LP
• 3x Meowth Fur
• 3x Spiritomb Fragment
• 3x Tatsugiri Scales
That’s everything covered on how to get and craft Nasty Plot TM in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. To access more guides, and tips or buy Shiny Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, please visit