That he was equally fond of me and my better half in the same measure is due to the fact that the girl he chose for me as my life partner was none other than his former School Principal’s grand-daughter. The cascading memories however need to be harnessed as otherwise this requiem would possibly be an unending story. Farewell my beloved Maama(maternal Uncle), you were forever humane, spiritual and courageous and the king of the inner world in everything you did. Humble salutations to you for shaping up my life. Your favorite Fauji Marumaan (nephew) START A CONVERSATION POST A COMMENT Sash DEPARTMENT An Army Veteran with an illustrious service of service to the nation.
Witnessed active comabt operations in Kargil and Siachen besides Srinagar/ Kupwara sectors. Widely travelled, I am an outdoor enthusiast, multitalented sportsman and yoga exponent. has whatsapp mobile number list driven me to register for this blog . My blogs will be written to offera CONTRA view to its readers on topics ranging from defence , current affairs , sports in particular and health and fitness More The coming of age of super dads and super moms in sports WALK YOUR WAY THROUGH LIFE Kane and virgil and the Arabic tales Fedex- Au revoir artist supremo and the gentleman sportsman ambassador.
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